Los sueños no duermen.
El sueño de Liverpool

Presentada del 4 al 7 de octubre de 201, es la tercera creación de la saga de los Gigantes de Liverpool. Firma el acto final de la trilogía "Gigante Espectacular".
La ciudad de Liverpool y la península de Wirral, con el apoyo de The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Arts Council England, han dado la bienvenida a los Gigantes como parte del programa Liverpool 2018, que celebra el décimo aniversario de la nominación de la ciudad de Liverpool como Capital Europea de la Cultura - 1,3 millones de espectadores.

Como un árbol en la luna el Gigante, acostado en una balsa se ha encallado en la playa de New Brighton.

Quién sabe en qué barco se quitó el traje de buceo, qué tormentas experimentó y qué corrientes lo empujaron hacia Liverpool.

De todos modos, la Pequeña Gigante delegó a su hermano, el Pequeño Gigante, para que lo viera. El, se ha installado a St. George's Hall.

De hecho, el municipio ha organizado un baile de máscaras en su honor. Aunque el rayo quisiera aplastar la ciudad, nubes cosidas protegen el cielo.

Los corazones de los habitantes irradian tan fuerte que se pueden oír los latidos que resuenan hasta Dublín.

¡Cuidado, los sueños de los Gigantes vienen a Liverpool!

En este espectáculo aparecieron nuevas imágenes: La sandalia gigante, la balsa del Gigante, el camión lleno de violines, el baile de máscaras en St George’s Hall, el nuevo traje del Pequeño Gigante, el tendedero con la ropa de la Pequeña Gigante. Y otras imágenes sorprendentes: el autobús cortado en dos, el tenedor atascado en el coche, la catapulta de pianos.
© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, Autor, Director, fundador de Royal de Luxe

Por primera vez en la historia de la saga de los Gigantes, cuatro personajes estuvieron presentes durante el espectáculo: el Gran Gigante, el Pequeño Gigante, el Xolo y la Pequeña Gigante, que apareció por sorpresa el último día.
« Temoin test formulaire »
Test FORMULAIRE - TEMOIGNAGE, Australia -14 de noviembre de 2024
« I will never forget the Giants & The Music. Hope I have the privilege to see this grand spectacle again whatever the story may be. Thankyou »
Deb McCulloch - Perth, Australia -18 de mayo de 2023
« Thank you for an amazing experience, I was lucky enough to be a benevol for you in Liverpool, an experience I will never forget, a life time memory. I was also honoured to meet Jean luc when he received the honor of the freedom of Liverpool. »
Sharon - Liverpool, England -23 de enero de 2019
« I can't begin to express the joy and magic that I experienced seeing The Giants in my hometown for the first time. It was awesome and emotional and something which I'll never forget. I unfortunately missed the last two visits and am now upset that I will never see The Giants here again in the future … Thank you all again SO VERY, VERY MUCH for a fantastic weekend and I wish you every success in whatever you go on to do in the future. Jeannie xxx »
Jean - Liverpool, UK -15 de octubre de 2018
« Had an awesome time with the Giants in Liverpool. They made a huge impression on my son and he’s been trying to reproduce it ever since! Only one thing - we missed the little girl!!! Please, please, please we would love to see her somewhere! »
Karin - Middlesbrough, England -14 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you so much for bringing your amazing Giants to Liverpool again, i have had the priviledge to have seen them in 2012, 2014 & 2018. Please don’t make it the end you bring so much happiness. You will always be in our hearts. Julie, Liverpool »
Julie - Liverpool, United Kingdom -14 de octubre de 2018
« Dear Royal de Luxe and Jean Luc wishing you all the best for your future Endeavour's, and Thank You Once again for Bringing such Joy And Magic to the Street's of Liverpool with your Amazing Giant's, Was Crying when you left, But we've been so Lucky you visited us 3 time's you'll Always be in Liverpool's Heart, Merci Beaucoup xx »
susan - liverpool, united kingdom -14 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for bringing the Giants to see us again in Liverpool, it is always an amazing magical experience and we will miss them all so much. You and your wonderful Giants will always stay in our hearts »
Julie - Liverpool, United Kingdom -13 de octubre de 2018
« Just when I thought I couldn't love the Giants anymore than I did you came back for a 3rd and final visit..it was simply wonderful...made my heart burst..the people of Liverpool adore you and will miss you.
Thank you so much for choosing us x »
Joanne - Liverpool, United Kingdom -12 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for bringing your giants to Liverpool 1 last time. I am so glad that I was able to visit Liverpool for the day. The day was amazing as are your Giants. So happy that I was able to see them. »
Elaine - Rhyl., North Wales -12 de octubre de 2018
« I traveled from the United States to Liverpool specifically to see the Giants and am so glad I did. What a remarkable performance! »
Carole - Ligonier, United States -12 de octubre de 2018
« As a Benevol for your final visit, thank you for an amazing experience . It was an honour to be part of this event and I will never forget it. Please, please let this not be the end ....Jenny »
Jenny - Liverpool, UK -12 de octubre de 2018
« Being one of the Benevol volunteers in my city it gave me a new positive perspective of my home. It was an honour and privilege to be part of a magical 4 days »
david - Liverpool, England -11 de octubre de 2018
« Your Liverpool Giants shows have been truly amazing and a million people have fallen in love.. Merci beau coup for the most incredible experience. I just hope that you will one day return so that we can love you some more. »
andy - MARCH, United Kingdom -10 de octubre de 2018
« Just an absolute joy & great experience. Somehow you manage to improve the spectacle each time you return to our City. Things will never be the same again but the Giants will remain in our hearts .
Merci bien »
Steve - Liverpool, GBR -10 de octubre de 2018
« Dear Jean Luc, you brought so much joy and happiness to Liverpool. I cannot thank you enough. We cried as we waved goodbye to Xolo, your magical dog who makes people smile. Please come back! »
Katy - Liverpool, UK -9 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you so much for a fabulous weekend. You brought joy to us at a time when the world seems such a dangerous sad place. Best wishes for your future work. »
Wendy - Liverpool, Uk -9 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for bringing us together and putting a smile on our faces! :) »
Oi-San - Manchester, United Kingdom -9 de octubre de 2018
« Must say a massive thank you all for putting up this show three times in Liverpool. I always imagine that the giants are real and forget they are puppets. I am sad that they are retiring and will miss them but I hope you do return to Liverpool for another great show. »
Georgina - Wallasey, United Kingdom -9 de octubre de 2018
« A HUGE thank you to Jean Luc and the Royal De Luxe company for bringing your marvellous creations back to Liverpool for a third time - as well as across the water to my home town of New Brighton.
It was an absolute joy to walk alongside the giants once last time. »
Peter - Wirral, UK -9 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you, I was a Benevol with the Big Giant for his final performance and I've had the best experience of my life. During the final walk, I couldn't stop crying. I was so happy and sad all at once. I will hold you in my giant heart forever. Thank you so very much. »
Beth - Liverpool, United Kingdom -9 de octubre de 2018
« Thank You! very much for bringing The Giants and your imagination and artistry to Liverpool, not once but three times!and I had the joy of watching on every occasion.You and your teams brought so much joy to us, returning adults to the innocence and wonderment of children again. You, The Giants and your teams are much loved in Liverpool - your leaving left many in tears, you will remain in our hearts and memories forever. You came as a stranger but left as a dear friend. »
Vanessa - Liverpool, United Kingdom -9 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you so much for bringing your wonderful Giant to grace our little sea side town. You created such enthusiasm and made little minds dream. My children and I loved every second of it. Thank you again from our sleepy little community for bring such joy xxx »
Terri - New Brighton, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Heart as big as my home town, lay me down by waters cool. Heart as big as the city, Liverpool. And we are not alone. Thank you Giants. X »
Lynn - Liverpool, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Dear Jean Luc and the team
“Merci” is simply not enough for the emotion, the connection, the sheer joy and love you created in Liverpool this weekend , PLEASE don’t say it’s over, please come back, we are missing you all so very much
Nous t’aimons
Sharon Liverpool »
Sharon - Liverpool, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Dear Giants
Thank you for showing me dreams can come true... In life it's time to put my best foot forward...
Love and light to all at Royal De Luxe »
Sue - London, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for making magical memories for our family in Liverpool on your three visits to our city. It has been a truly heart warming experience on every occasion. We will miss your beautiful Giants. »
Julie - Widnes, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you all for a wonderful amazing giant's show in the great city of Liverpool, all your staff worked very hard to put on three great shows over the year's, it is very sad that there will be no more shows, but at least us scousers had the privilege to see the very last show, good luck for the future and please can we have the dog in our museum so we have a lasting memory of the giants, the dog was my favourite, once again thank you »
Alexander - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« The Giants in Liverpool this weekend were absolutely incredible so sorry they never be seen again. What will be next can this be beaten... thank you very much. There are not enough words to express how over 1.3 million people enjoyed their visit. Merci beaucoup. »
Linda - Crewe, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« This weekend in Liverpool ( 07/10/18) was amazing.
I was totally blown away , the little boy giant being lowered into the water and the beautiful music that accompanied it brought me to tears.
Thank you so much for the incredible spectacular .
Please come back to our city »
Denise - Wirral, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« You are the best in the world. There isn't anything like you or anything that comes anywhere even close to your greatness.xx »
Gerry - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Once again you brought joy and happiness to the streets of Liverpool. Thank you for bringing your wondrous ideas to life! »
Grice - LIVERPOOL, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for bringing your beautiful giants back to Liverpool, we love seeing them here and i hope you feel that we have adopted you all as scousers.
truly an amazing sight to see , thank you all again »
Joan - Liverpool, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« We love the giants and all who walk with them! Thank you for making sure we can all be so close together. When you arrive the city becomes ours! »
Eileen - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Jean Luc and his team are incredible! Thank you so much for bringing your amazing giants back. Don't forget us in Liverpool and hope we see your next creation. Best wishes to you all xxx »
Sandra - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« On behalf of the people of liverpool and wirral merci merci merci »
John - Prenton, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you, thank you, thank you - absolutely incredible. When Xolo retires, I have a home for him in Yorkshire - it was love at first sight! »
Jennifer - Northallerton, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« The giants were absolutely amazing.. loved them everytime they visited Liverpool.. sorry to see them retire xx »
Vicky - Birkenhead, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for a fantastic weekend in Liverpool and for turning a 51 year old man into a child again..So many memorable moments including allowing me and my family up close to see all the hard work your team does very late into the evening on a New Brighton beach »
Mark - Wirral, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« I want to thank Royal de Luxe for the most amazing weekend ever . i have followed the giants around Liverpool from thursday evening until Sunday afternoon.. it was spectacular and i loved it. please don't mothball the giants . we the people of Liverpool LOVE them and want to adopt them.
Thank everyone who was involved in this weekend as they all work so hard
to provide us with such a show .
please let us know if we can offer them a permanent home in Liverpool . »
Gail - Liverpool, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« 3 times you have brought your amazing creations to Liverpool and 3 times you have provided a superb show which has captured the hearts of Liverpool and it's surrounding areas. Kids, parents, the elderly have come together to marvel at the amazing shows. Liverpool loves you. »
Mark - Liverpool, Uk -8 de octubre de 2018
« A million thanks for introducing the Giants to the world. Seeing them in Liverpool this weekend was like seeing old friends. Thank you for allowing us to dream as one city, it was a beautiful, magical experience. I hope that more of the magic will find its way over here one day, and I plan to go searching for it at every opportunity. Goodnight old friends, sleep well. »
Kate - Liverpool, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Please please don't let it be last time the giants visit. They bring the whole city together. Thank you for allowing us to walk alongside these wonderful giants with a poignant story to tell. Can we adopt one of the giants? »
Paula - Liverpool, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank for three amazing visits by the giants and the stories you told us.. yesterday was very emotional for everyone and I noticed tears from your company too... I would love to find out what happens to the beautiful giants now, where do they go? »
Griffiths - manchester, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« A wonderful weekend with your amazing giants in Liverpool & Wirral. Truly incredible work by all, creating a mesmerising spectacle with a very emotional farewell. Please continue to share your gift. Thank you all so, so much. »
Karen - Wirral, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« I will never forget the magic you brought to Liverpool and New Brighton this weekend. The Giants are my favourite things (especially Xolo and I will miss them . Thank you for the memories. »
Fearne - Wallasey, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for such a magical and unique experience for both New Brighton and Liverpool. I true privilege to have been able to see this in real life. An experience to stay with me all time. »
Chris - New Brighton, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thankyou. This can not be goodbye! »
Louise - Liverpool, United kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Liverpools Dream was amazing! I have followed your giants through the city on every occasion and I just want to say a huge thank you from my heart for the magic memories you have left me with. It may be time to hang up your coats but I hope you will bring your joy to us all again! »
Victoria - Liverpool, England -8 de octubre de 2018
« Joyous, captivating and heart warming. Thank you to you and your team for all your hard work and artistry - you have all created wonderful memories that will last a life time. Merci beaucoup. »
Veronica - Wirral, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« I had the privilege to see the giants again after being awed by the 2014 event. I am grateful to your company and appreciate all th3 hard work your lilliputions do to work the giants and give them life. I am emotional to see the end of the giants but look forward to the next saga from royal de luxe. All the very best to your company and Thank you from the bottom of my heart. »
Jackie - Deeside, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« As a performer myself, I've never felt so awe-inspired by a piece of theatre in all my life. It was so overwhelming it brought me to tears. To see something like this - that brings a city together, that offers escape from daily struggles and brings smiles and laughter to thousands, reminds me why I chose to follow the arts in the first place. Thank you so much <3 I must see the next show, even if we have to come to France! Please visit Liverpool again soon. »
Emma - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018
« Thank you for putting on the most amazing show this weekend and for choosing Liverpool to perform it. It truly puts Liverpool on the map. Thank you for all your hard work. »
Chris - Liverpool, UK -8 de octubre de 2018
« Royal de luxe thank you for a fantastic show once Again it was so special I cried when I saw the little boy sail away I have been to all your shows that you have done in Liverpool am so proud and privileged to have been part of this and the surprise at the end just wow the little girl again fantastic I for one will miss them dearly I have such an infinity with these giants it brings the child out in me and everyone who sees them you and your giants will be sorely missed than you from the bottom of my Hear »
Michelle - Liverpool, United Kingdom -8 de octubre de 2018