The Giants are back in Nantes and Saint-Herblain! Get ready!

In Nantes and Saint-Herblain on 22, 23 and 24 September 2023.
Almost 30 years after the appearance of its first Giant, Royal de Luxe will be presenting a new show featuring two Giant Dogs: Xolo and Bull Machin.
For 3 days, our two Dogs will be roaming the streets, squares and boulevards to put on a memorable show for the public!
Free show. More info to come!
This show is co-produced by Nantes Métropole, Ville de Nantes, Ville de Saint-Herblain, Ville de Villeurbanne.
With the support of the DRAC des Pays de la Loire.
News of the company’s upcoming shows ?
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…Royal de Luxe is pleased to present its new creation programmed by the Zomer van Antwerpen festival. This is the 5th show of Giants presented to the Antwerp public. A free, extr…