Royal de Luxe in Le Havre
Royal de Luxe in Le Havre on 7, 8 and 9 July 2017
…“The great invitation” in Montreal: discover the routes!
Discover the routes of the show “The Giants” The great invitation (May 19, 20 and 21). Download the routes.
…“We don’t know exactly when the Deep Sea Diver took his first step on the bed of the St. Lawrence River. And although sailors have never seen him, the fish of the seaway…
“Miniatures” in Mechelen
The company will be in Mechelen, Belgium, with “Miniatures” a new creation, a small theatrical form. 20 performances from 3 March until 26 March 2017.
…The Royal de Luxe Giants in Montreal (Canada) on 19, 20 and 21 May 2017.
…The Giants in Antwerp
At the invitation of the Festival Zomer van Antwerpen and its artistic director Patrick Degroote, Royal de Luxe returns to Antwerp on 19, 20 and 21 June 2015 with a show from th…
The story of Perth
Discover the story of “The incredible and phenomenal journey of the Giants in the streets of Perth”, told by Jean-Luc Courcoult (founder and director of Royal de Lux…
From 13 to 15 February 2015, the Little Giant and the Diver of the Royal de Luxe street theatre company will inaugurate the 2015 Perth International Festival with a new show on …