Creation 1993 Imaginary situations

Traffic jams

Une tête de femme sort du capot d'une voiture

A show accident is the unexpected encounter, brutal and moving of a spectator and an image: it is an imaginary chock that leaves a permanent mark in the public’s memory.

The permanency of this impression depends on the mysterious and poetic quality of the image.

One of the aims of our performances is to leave marks in the imaginary memory of people; it appears like evidence for us to create these images encounter at the most surprising time and in an unexpected context.

This show occurs within the traffic (the purpose is not to create traffic jam but to use it). It is made of a succession of funny images, with no apparent link between them. It is made for car drivers and pedestrians of chance encounters that we try to multiply at the different strategic places of the city. One of the best times being the morning, all the actions will preferably take place between 7 to 10am for four or five days (depending on the city).

The morning, in the traffic jam, is a strange hour, almost useless, as a time lost between sleep and work. A time when the dreams of the night fade away or emerge again.

This performance could be an attempt to extend them with other dreams. In that context, we can say that we will intend to create “show accidents” in the traffic jams.


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« Généralement peu passionnants, les embouteillages peuvent parfois se révéler surréalistes et délirants. Surtout lorsque la compagnie Royal de Luxe décide de s’en mêler. Ainsi, depuis quelques jours, de curieux engins se sont immiscés dans la circulation anversoise afin d’injecter du rêve dans les bouchons. […] Déjà toute la ville ne parle plus que de cette auto transpercée par un arbre, de ce camion-plage où se dore une ravissante vacancière et… de ce procès-verbal que la police d’Anvers a collé à l’un des véhicules farfelus de Royal de Luxe !  »

Le Soir - 27/08/1993

« Sur les trottoirs, dans les bagnoles, les gens n’en peuvent plus de se frotter les yeux.  »

Le Soir - 28/08/1993
