This is the totally unbelievable, but yet truthful story of a Sultan who was tormented in every dream by the presence of a small time-travelling child.
The Sultan of Indies visit on his time travelling elephant

This creation is a tribute to Jules Verne (100th anniversary of his death). Premiered in Nantes from 19 to 22 May 2005, it was a dazzling success and was then taken to Amiens from 16 to 19 June 2005 as part of the Street Arts Festival organised each year by the City.
Then in 2006, in London from 4 to 7 May at the initiative of Artichoke; in Antwerp from 6 to 9 July at the invitation of the Zomer festival; in Calais from 28 September to 1 October at the invitation of the Channel, Scène Nationale, and finally in Le Havre from 26 to 29 October at the invitation of Le Volcan, Scène Nationale - 2.3 million spectators.

The Sultan could no longer sleep, increasingly strong anxiety attacks were keeping him away from the affairs of his kingdom.

In order to counter the Sultan’s illness and because he was convinced that one had to go looking for the child in the land of dreams, an obscure engineer embarked upon the phenomenal construction of a Time Travelling Elephant, as far back as the year one thousand nine hundred.

A few months later, the Sultan sailed with part of his court in search of the Little-Girl-Giant who, in the nightmares he had, turned into a five meter high puppet.

The journey was painful. However, a clue guided the crew. The Little Girl-Giant loved sewing : for example, she loved sewing cars onto the tarmac, boats onto the docks or trains onto their tracks and, from time to time, envelopes onto mailboxes.

The Elephant was running on the crew’s sweat. A love story can be a strange thing, and he felt the need to meet her, and he was so happy at times that he could defecate hundreds of live birds that disappeared into the sky with a roar of happiness.

© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe

The spectators were totally surprised and amazed, especially the English spectators who discovered the Saga of the Giants for the first time. Supported by the French Ministry of Culture, the Art Council and the Mayor of London, this show was the biggest free cultural event ever organized in London.
« Je n'oublierai jamais la compagnie Royal De Luxe, leur Petite Géante et l'Elephant du Sultan lorsqu'ils sont venus nous rendre visite à Amiens en 2005 pour la fête dans la ville. Je n'avais que 7 ans à l'époque, je n'ai pas tout mémorisé en détail, mais je me rappellerai toujours lorsque j'ai pu monter sur le bras de la Petit Géante pour y faire de la balançoire. Je me rappellerai toujours de l'éléphant parcourant les long Boulevards de ma ville, jetant de l'eau par sa trompe, nous rafraichissant alors qu'il faisait extrêmement chaud. J'aurai aimé assister à tous les spectacles de Royal De Luxe et pouvoir rencontrer Le Grand Géant et Le scaphandrier. Du haut de mes 22 ans, je continue de rêver à travers vos spectacles retransmis sur youtube, merci pour tout Royal De Luxe ! »
Raphaelle JOLY - Amiens, France -June 28, 2021
« J'ai eu envie de prendre la petite géante dans mes bras, son regard me chavire et me fait oublier toute la machinerie. Son départ dans sa fusée m' émue aux larmes ! A quand votre venue à Paris ? »
patricia - paris, france -March 23, 2014
« L'extrême tendresse de l'éléphant lorqu'il porte la petite géante sur ses défense m'a bouleversé.
Gérard, Fan absolu du Royal de Luxe »
Gérard - Béthzny, France -April 26, 2012
« I was lucky to see Sultan's Elephant in London, it was amazing, stunning, touching, emotional...I've never seen anything like it before or since, when are you coming back to London? Soon I hope. »
Timandra - London, England -April 20, 2012
« Une belle rencontre en 2006 au Havre, il y a depuis des frissons toujours présents en moi en souvenir du bel éléphant et de la douce petite Géante et comme un vide depuis votre départ, mais une magie enfantine pleine d'insouciance retrouvée grâce à vous et qui ne demande qu'a revenir ...MERCI pour ces moments de rêve et d'évasion !!!! »
Camille - Mérignac, France -April 14, 2012