There is a large tree on a boulevard. Under the tree, a lawn and lawn mower style garden, surrounded by a low wall overhung with a fence, gate, letterbox, guard dog, etc.
The house in the trees

A moving truck, with movers, water, electricity, and a contractor responsible for the cabling, carry out the installation. The next day, all the furniture is hung, hung up or stuck in the branches.

There is water in the kitchen, power for the fridge and television in the living room. The bedroom bed and armchairs swing in the wind. In the evening, three or four people move in, while the Telephone Service people still install the telephone. A large vertical ladder is used as a quick staircase up to the attic. In short, it is a real corner of paradise and three days of relaxation for the tenants whose only constraint is never to set foot on the ground.

In Nantes... « For two days, masons are building a wall, with a garden fence on top of it, around three Sycamore trees on Saint Mihiel bridge. On the third day, a plumbing company installs water and drainage pipes, water, sinks, the water heater, electricity ... The next day, removal-men position the furniture in the branches, hanging them like puppets on strings.

Once the apartment is finally completed, five tenants move in and live there for four days without coming down. »

© Jean-Luc Courcoult, Author-Director, Founder of Royal de Luxe

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