Here is a living tale which we suggest you attend, whilst keeping children and parents away from this show, as terror, sorrow and sadness could trigger in them a psychological depression worthy of the harshest moments of the Irish famine in 1845.
The grandmother fallen from the galaxy into a field in Munster

This creation was presented as part of Limerick National Capital of Culture (Ireland) from 5 to 7 September 2014. This show relates both the true history of Limerick and the legends of the city - 230 000 spectators.

So I ask you not to pay any attention to this flow of incoherent yet real images, such is our inclination to protect your delicate and revolutionary spirits.

Anyway, one day an Irish Grandmother Giant, having fallen from the sky, found herself legs spread wide apart in a potato field in the middle of Munster County.

The peasants, who were surprised by her apparition, put her up in a barn on their property, and they fed, took care of her every day as best they could.

However, after a certain amount of time, they couldn’t afford to keep her anymore and so they put her on a train to Limerick.

To welcome her, men built up a wall of light made of car lights like the stars of a tidy galaxy. As soon as she had arrived at the railway station, she was greeted by thousands of people who had come from all over Ireland.

As her language was more incomprehensible than the most ancient Gaelic, a translator who had some knowledge of her speech was swiftly located. By chance, her personal safe, which contained the memory of Limerick, also fell from the sky onto a car in the city. This enabled her to tell the legends and stories of great battles endured in past centuries that had fallen into oblivion a long time ago. Here and there, some images that had emerged from her past encumbered the city.

Eventually, she will leave, standing up, towards her own burial to sleep, carried away by the current of the Shannon which will scatter her memories throughout the rest of the world; carrying the pride of Ireland in her luggage; swarming innumerable communities witnessing the courage and faith of a people full of an incredible strength launched into the future like a silver javelin.

The Grandmother Giant, crossing the galaxy yet again, will wait for the day when she will fall once more into the potatoes of Munster.

© Jean-Luc Courcoult, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe
« What an amazing weekend in Limerick. Thank you all so much for an unforgettable time. My son (almost 3) loved granny, the music and the entire show. We followed Granny all weekend and had such a great time. The weather, the people...It gave the city and the whole region such a lift.
Many many thanks for a wonderful 3 days!
Steph, Pat and Eoghan »
Stephanie Pat and Eoghan - Limerick, Ireland -September 25, 2014
« thank you! thank you! wonderful weekend. have not been that excited since I was a child! fantastic! superb! I was a benevol and enjoyed every moment! Met lovely other volunteers also. Limerick looked georgous and everybody was lovely. thanks royal de luxe and limerick city of culture »
Mona - Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland -September 18, 2014
« Thank you so so much for coming to visit us. Limerick truly was amazing, the atmosphere was electric, the people were so happy, the city was splendid. Well done to all who were involved in organising of this event. Granny PLEASE visit again, you have made a lasting impression on us all.x »
Maura - Clare, Ireland -September 18, 2014
« Granny's visit to our beautiful Limerick was simply magical. I was transported back to the wonders of childhood and thrilled each day by the fantastic displays put on around our city. »
Grace - Limerick, Ireland -September 18, 2014
« Granny! We miss you - please come back soon, and bring the Lilliputians with you too :-) »
Marie - Limerick, Ireland -September 18, 2014
« Just want to say a huge Thank You for coming to Limerick, you were simply amazing and made many many people happy with your art! Loved Granny & the music was incredible! Hope to see you again soon :) »
John - Limerick, Ireland -September 15, 2014
« Merci Buckets Granny. You, your lilliputians and your band ROCK. With all the bad news in the world you have made us all feel a little lighter, happier and optimistic. The power of art come alive! The sun shone and we all danced in the street. Marveilleux x »
Jennifer - Limerick, Ireland -September 11, 2014
« Thank you so much for bringing Granny to visit us here in Limerick. It is the first time in my living memory that I saw the city so happy, vibrant and alive. Everyone's infantile wonder was infectious as we skipped around the city following Granny's escapades. Please come back again soon xxx »
Lee-Ann - Limerick, Ireland -September 11, 2014
« What an amazing adventure Granny had in Limerick!!! The looks of wonder, nervousness, excitement and happiness in the kids was fantastic. Well done to all concerned. Granny- come visit us again »
Eimear - Limerick, Ireland -September 11, 2014
« Thank you Granny for an amazing weekend in Limerick - you definitely brought out the best in people! Come back soon.... »
Michaela - Limerick, Image -September 11, 2014
« All I can say is thank you. To see Granny walk the streets of Limerick helped me and all of us reimagine what our city could be. You've no idea how much Limerick has needed this. Merci beaucoup!!!! You brought la joie xxx »
Ann - Limerick, Ireland -September 11, 2014
« I followed granny around for all three days of her visit and was sorry to see her leave!Thank you for a wonderful weekend! »
frances - Limerick, Ireland -September 10, 2014
« Voilà près de 20 ans que je vous ai découverts à Nantes alors que j'étais dans le public du Peplum. Depuis, j'ai vu la petite Géeante et le Sultan des Indes en visite sur son éléphant géant et je reviens de Limerick où, submergée d'émotions, j'ai poursuivi Granny du 5 au 7 septembre. Quel talent vous avez, quelle magie vous véhiculez, quelle poésie dans vos spectacles...
Je vous aime ! »
VIRGINIE - Paris, France -September 10, 2014
« Thank you so much for exposing Limerick to something so special and unique last weekend. It is a memory that I and we will treasure for a long long time. You got my son a job with the Irish police for the weekend :) »
Paul - Limerick, Ireland -September 10, 2014
« It was a heart stirring weekend here in lovely Limerick. Somehow the city has never looked better than with our gracious granny prowling the streets and bridges. The whole city had a smile on its face and the event will be remembered for years to come. Go raibh míle míle mhaith agaibh go léir - tá súil again to mbeidh sibh ar ais arís. X »
Bríd - Limerick, Ireland -September 10, 2014
« We miss you granny....please come home again soon. Till then we will keep re telling the tale of the (first) time you came to limerick, and changed it, and all who saw you, forever. Love to you all. »
Annmarie - Limerick, Ireland -September 10, 2014