In 1912 the Titanic sank. But what History did not record, was that it was secretly carrying a 10 metre high Giantess, captured in The Land Of Ice, at the time governed by Denmark (1).
The Giantess of the Titanic and the Deep-Sea Diver

“The Giantess of the Titanic and the Deep-Sea Diver" is a creation presented from 5 to 7 June 2009 in Nantes for the opening of "Estuaire 2009", the 2nd edition of the contemporary art biennial in Nantes - Saint-Nazaire - 300,000 spectators.

Iceland, made up of volcanoes, was at the time home to some Giants who were kept very busy moulding the landscape into habitable ground. One Giant, or rather, one Giantess amongst them, had the job of making huge geysers appear that could be seen from one mountain to another, much like the American Indians with their smoke signals, or the invention of the semaphore during the French Revolution.

English privateers, paid by his Majesty, captured the Giantess. She was secretly loaded into a hold of the Titanic, destined to be exhibited in the New World to demonstrate the supremacy of the United Kingdom.

As everyone knows, the ship was torn apart by an iceberg coming from the north of Iceland and sank, taking our Giantess with it.

But, same as all the passengers in the vessel, our Giantess had family : a brother named "The Giant" and a daughter named "Little Giant-Girl" (2). During the capture of her mother, the Little Girl-Giant fled on a boat. The Giant, who had been busy sawing Icebergs at the time, discovered the disappearance of his friends on his return.

He scoured the ocean floor for many years and eventually found the wreck. He buried his sister at the bottom of the sea and there found the boat’s postal trunk a few hundred meters from the ship’s broken carcass.

So, he decided to deliver this mythological ship’s mail and re-join his niece, the Little Girl-Giant.

Postscript (1) One year later, Iceland achieved independence (2) The father had died a few years earlier. He had the same occupation as his brother and was crushed by two icebergs.

© Jean-Luc Courcoult, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe
« Au moment de la rencontre du Scaphandrier et de la Petite Géante à Nantes, une femme âgée à côté de moi :"oh, j'aimerais tellement savoir ce qu'ils pensent". »
caroline - nantes, france -August 14, 2017