There was once a Giant that Gaudi had hidden in the foundations of the Pedrera. After building the walls, he had put him to sleep in a cellar. On the roof, he placed large chimneys with Giant faces to help him breathe. Then, he shut up enough sand into the walls for time to elapse, grain by grain, into a huge hole under the house.
Creation 1997
La saga des géants
The Giant

"The Giant" is a creation presented from 26 to 29 June 1997 in Barcelona, Spain, as part of the GREC 97 Festival in Barcelona - 250,000 spectators.

His calculations were so precise that one hundred years later, the Giant was nudged by the last grain of sand and woke up in the yard. Climbing onto the roof, he stayed on the edge for two days to watch the people go by. Then, he decided to go home.

It took him two more days to cross the city, where the Humans made him a huge hammock to bring him to the port. Happily, he embarked and disappeared into the sea.

© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe
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