The Sea of Liverpool has swallowed up so many sailors, travellers and adventurers that you would think it was a cannibal.
Sea Odyssey

This show was presented from 20 to 22 April 2012 at the invitation of the City of Liverpool. A creation designed to celebrate the centenary of the sinking of the famous Titanic - 800,000 spectators.

Icebergs are boat hunters and Liverpudlians are huge children with eyes full of hope and rebellion. For the unsinkable Titanic, its first voyage was also to be its last.

But let's move right away to the story of one stowaway: loaded onboard during the night, unnoticed - a thirty foot tall Giant capable of travelling through time, on his way to another continent to meet his daughter, the Little Giant.

Giants don’t grow old, don’t grow up, they just stay the age they are for eternity – that is, if they don’t die.

Disaster struck in the Atlantic Ocean; everyone knows the details of the accident. The ocean liner was the pride of Liverpool, and many different Liverpudlian tradesmen were recruited, mainly to maintain the ship and to look after the passengers.

But let’s return to our gigantic passenger trapped in one of the holds. He feels the full force of the iceberg’s blade. The sea rushes into the ship so fiercely that he is unable to move. He is a prisoner and plummets 12 000 feet with the Titanic.

We believe that, knowing he would soon die, he took his last underwater lift ride before coming to rest in a cloud of dust on the ocean bed. Above, petrified with fear, survivors hoped for miracles – some were rescued, that too is known.

When the Little Giant heard the news, she sought out her uncle, the Great Giant’s brother. While listening to her, the uncle made a decision that was to take him a century to carry out. First, he would make himself a diving suit. Then he would scour the ocean floor for the shipwreck.

After that, he would bury his brother in the deep-sea bed. Most importantly, he would come back with the letter the Great Giant had written to the Little Giant Girl. This is why he walked for many long years across the ocean floor, pulling the Titanic’s mail trunk to bring back the post to Liverpool.

Such tragedies do not affect the Little Giant’s morale who bravely decided to come to the reunion.

While reading magazines before leaving, she discovered that there are another two famed legends in Liverpool – The Beatles music, and the sheer madness for football of the rebel City.

Before setting up her first camp in Stanley Park, between the two football stadiums north of the city, she decides she will go on a cruise through the town on a road-sailing boat. A few hours before her arrival, as if by magic, a geyser shoots up from the ground in the city centre, to herald her arrival.

© Jean-Luc Courcoult, Author-Director, Founder of Royal de Luxe
« I was truly overwhelmed by the Titanic Giants they were heart stopping. Thank you to Jean Lucy and team. The world is a greater place thanks to you »
Jane - Manchester, Uk -May 3, 2012
« Dear Mr Courcoult and your amazing team
Thank you so much for bringing the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life to Liverpool. The whole weekend was magical from the moment the Uncle woke up and emerged from the Mersey to Xoxo licking bus stops and finally the beautiful reniun. I can't describe how much excitement and joy you and your company brought to our city and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for chosing to visit us. I love you all x »
Polly - Liverpool, England -May 3, 2012
« I just want to thank you all at Royal de Luxe for the best weekend ever in Liverpool. I cannot put into words just how amazing the giants were. I cried when they left, please come back soon! Love to you all. »
Joanne - Liverpool, England -May 1, 2012
« Words cannot express how much we enjoyed the Sea Odyssey event in Liverpool. Such a moving and beautiful story. Please come back soon xx »
Julie - Runcorn, England -May 1, 2012
« Sea Odyssey was so beautiful - thank you so much - I will never forget the huge emotions you brought out in all of us - truly amazing - it will stay in my heart forever xx »
Jayne - Liverpool, England -April 29, 2012
« The Uncle Giant was awe inspiring in every sense. The music was so uplifting. It was a privilege to be present at sucha wonderful event. Thank you so much for brightening peoples lives! »
helena - wirral, uk -April 27, 2012
« The Sea Oddysey was an absolutely amazing experience. I have never seen such a reaction in the city for any other event. Please, please, return to Liverpool soon. The whole of Liverpool loves you. »
Mark - Liverpool, England -April 26, 2012
« Beautiful, mesmerising, captivating - you have stolen our hearts forever. That. Was. Magnificent. Thank you! »
Meera - Liverpool, U.K. -April 26, 2012
« Not only did the Giants wake up in Liverpool, but Liverpool came awake with your spectacular production! Sea Odyssey was just fantastic. Liverpool is still buzzing from the experience and those that witnessed it will remember it forever. Thank you, so very much, you are the best in the world. Please come back again! »
Dave - Liverpool, England -April 25, 2012
« Thank you SO MUCH for bringing Sea Odyssey to Liverpool.I am so glad I had the opportunity to see it. Massive congratulations to all the production team - you are wonderful!
This event will be talked about in our city for many years. »
Lesley - Liverpool, England -April 25, 2012
« Words cannot express how much I loved the Giant Spectacular. My 3 children were enchanted with your amazing creations especially Xolo. Please consider Liverpool your second home and come back soon. »
Bradshaw - Southport, England -April 25, 2012
« Merci! Merci! Merci! To all the Royal De Luxe team for bringing Sea Odyssey to our wonderful city Liverpool. My family and I enjoyed it so much the story was captivating, beautiful and touched my heart. You all worked so hard and you made Liverpool smile for this we are truly grateful. Please come back soon. »
Angela - Liverpool, England -April 25, 2012
« Thank you all a million times for the Sea Odyssey. Liverpool has loved every minute of the visit and we are missing our Giant friends desperatly. Please come back soon. »
judy - liverpool, england -April 24, 2012
« A very emotional farewell yesterday in Liverpool (Sunday 12.4.22), we had travelled over 150 miles to see your mindblowing Theatre in the streets of Liverpool and would gladly do it again and again. Your preparation, storytelling and creation of emotion for the Public who came to Liverpool was par excellence, , thank you so much, Diolch yn Fawr, Merci Beaucoup. You've left a City breathless.... »
Mark - Rhyl, Wales - UK -April 24, 2012
« Thankyou for such a fantastic weekend in Liverpool.
Memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Stunningly brilliant, absolutely fantastic!!! »
Joanne - Liverpool, UK -April 23, 2012
« It felt like saying good bye to an old friend after following them for the three days. Thank you to the crew for a spectacular, emotional production. »
Jennison - Liverpool, England -April 23, 2012
« A 300 mile round trip was worth every minute to see such clever, breathtaking and moving theater. Hope you're back in UK soon. »
Mark - Cheltenham, UK -April 22, 2012
« I saw the sultan's elephant in London, and because that was so brilliant travelled up to Liverpool especially to see the sea odyssey, which was amazing! Please come back to London soon! »
Frances - London, England -April 22, 2012