There was once a Giant lost on a raft that the sea and storms had dragged onto the coast of Africa. Exhausted by his voyage and ill, he walked straight ahead of him, until one day he found a village of black Giants busy moving mountains to make way for large plains fit for crops.
Return from Africa

This creation was presented in 1998 in 4 cities: Le Havre, from 5 to 7 June, at the invitation of Le Volcan, Scène Nationale; in Nantes, from 26 to 28 June, at the invitation of the City of Nantes; in Calais, from 11 to 14 July, as part of the programming of Le Channel, Scène Nationale; and in Antwerp, from 6 to 9 August, at the invitation of the Zomer festival - 450,000 spectators.

Having never seen white men, the black Giants greeted him with curiosity at first. They built him a hut and nursed him with rituals which he found very strange. One morning he was healed.

They had beautiful horned animals called Watoussi who could walk on the lakes and penetrate beneath the earth with plows they pushed ahead of them. Each had his own.

He spent many years in peace : they gave him a son he called Little Giant. One day, this little Giant, amazed by the stories his father told of the little white men, decided to leave the village with his Watoussi, travelling under the sea.

So the Giant went looking for him and on his way he found the bus of the little black men who agreed to take him to the white cities they knew.

He braved the desert, blowing on the dunes to move them out of his way, and crossed the Mediterranean, swelling the sails of a three mast ship he pulled up from the bottom of the sea. Back on land, the bus resumed its journey.

For this show, new music machines have been imagined such as the “yoyo à kora” and the “girodoumdoum” with 53 African musicians on board, directed by Adama Drame, well-known musician and drummer from Burkina Faso.

© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe
« Un jour de 98, boulevard des 50 otages...en pleine adolescence décompléxé me trouve en fasse du petit géant et de ses liliputiens...AFRICA d'Ismaël Lô fait résonner la ville! Quel souvenir! Je ne peux plus entendre cette chanson sans frissonner de PLAISIR.
Maintenant maman, mes enfants m'accopmagnent à chacune de vos venues.
Bravo à tous »
jeanne - Nantes, France -January 19, 2018
« Découvert en 1998, ma plus tendre enfance... J'ai suivi les années d'après.. pour finir 2006... 11 ans sans avoir cette sensation de souffle coupé... 11 ans à demander chaques années "quand reviennent-ils".,, Les voilà.. ce fut 3 jours remplis de magie, de souffle coupé,,. Aujourd'hui Lundi, c'est fini, aujourd'hui ils ne déambuleront plus dans les rues... J'espère les revoir un jour...rapidement... »
Céline - Le Havre, France -July 10, 2017