Dear people of Liverpool, It is with a huge chime of happiness that I have travelled the 14 billion light years that separate us.
Memories of August 1914

"Memories of August 1914", from 23 to 27 July 2014 in Liverpool. This new creation presented in Liverpool follows the resounding success of the show "The sea odyssey". This time, the City of Liverpool invites Royal de Luxe to inaugurate the commemorations of the First World War, a tailor-made show co-missioned by 14-18 NOW program - 1 million spectators.

As I passed through the immense cosmos, the stars tinkled like crystal. This orchestra of sound pierced my eardrums with a million shivers and their sound evaporated into the echoes of the galaxy.

A strange shortcut led my body to its destination immediately, whilst my soul took parallel routes and caught up with me two days later.

The only luggage I took with me was a trunk full of memories. On this trip I decided to take the Little Girl Giant with me as she already knows your city. She will be my guide amongst you. And so, we have crossed the Planck Wall to be with you.

to be with you. To welcome and reassure her, I have built a wall of headlights and she will think it is a piece of galaxy when she awakes.

I am convinced that these three days of popular festival will make you think: the elders of today have been swept to one side by the unbridled race that your modern world has imprisoned into the jaws of an army of financial crocodiles perched at the top of huge sky scrapers.

The memories of these elders will settle on ours the remembrance of human sufferings from a war that wrapped up the world in a flesh-eating hurricane.

This was in 1914. I have come here, simply as a comma of hope, a small shiver, a soothing crystal vibration.

Dear people of Liverpool, I am Nantes’ grandmother and I am also Liverpool’s, by adoption.

After this short trip I will go back, but no one should doubt that, if my stay pleased you, I will return to be by your side.

Women and men of Liverpool, let us now go along the pavements and cobblestones of the city, which, if you listen carefully, radiate the far off sounds and vibrations of a buried volcano, lying dormant…

Let the party begin!

© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, Author, director - Founder of Royal de Luxe
« We walked for 3 days with the most Spectacular Giants and you totally blew my son and myself away! Merci Jean-Luc, Royal de Luxe you are makers of magic! Magnificent.
Memories of August 1914 will stay with us forever..
Sarah and Finlay, Bisous »
Sarah - Leicester, United Kingdom -July 30, 2014
« To all at Royal de Luxe, a totally heartfelt thankyou for gracing our 'family' with your family (I think most people will agree, you are now part of ours!) & for making this middle-aged person feel like a awe-struck child!!!
"Croyez-vous en la magie?"- I do now!
Until next time mes amis!!! »
Evison - Liverpool, England -July 29, 2014
« What a wonderful,magical,awe-inspiring show you put on in Liverpool for us all,it was a weekend I will never forget.Please come back soon,I loved every part of it,especially Xolo,he has stolen a piece of my heart.Thankyou Jean Luc and the team.
Lynda-Warrington nr. Liverpool UK »
lynda - warrington,nr.Liverpool, UK -July 29, 2014
« To All at Royal De Luxe, a heartfelt thanks for letting me be part of the production ( Liverpool Pal) the creativity of the team was breathtaking to witness close up and has given me memories i shall never forget. The City of Liverpool adores you all and hopes you will return again. Bravo ! »
Brown - Liverpool, England -July 28, 2014
« Words cannot describe the enjoyment and emmotion that my wife and I felt when watching the leaving parade on Sunday.We took the Giants to our hearts we were priveliged to see a truly magnificent production of street theatre.Thank you,Thank you Please come back soon. »
Colin - Wigan, England -July 28, 2014
« Je vous aime. Merci. »
sarah - lancaster, angleterre -July 28, 2014
« Thank you for choosing to come back to Liverpool, thank you, your team and your Giants for making a magical 3 days for my daughter, please hurry back to a city who have adopted you all as one of their own. X »
Jane - Liverpool, England -July 28, 2014
« What a fabulous event the giants performed in Liverpool to remember the outbreak of WW1. A spectacularly moving street art performance that i for one will never forget. I do hope you will return to Liverpool as i have never seen anything quite like it. Well done Jean-Luc you are an amazing inspiration with a phenomenal imagination. I can't wait to see what royal-de-luxe do next! »
Samantha - manchester, uk -July 28, 2014
« Thank you,thank you, thank you. Fantastic few days in Liverppol again.
Your efforts and hard work is truely commendable. Thank you for giving us as a family some lovely memories of our own.
Very very well done. Genius. We love you all xxxx »
Emma - Wirral, England -July 28, 2014
« Merci beaucoup! Liverpool is the luckiest city in the world to have been twice visited by your magic. Second time around I could share it with my own little girl and grandmother. Nouns vous aimons. »
Clare - Liverpool, UK -July 27, 2014
« My son Lorcan was 3 when sea Odyssey came to Liverpool and over those the course of 3 days the "Big Giant Girl" and "Giant Uncle" left him with a permanent and joyous lifetime memory. Two years on and that memory has been enhanced by Memories of August. Thank you for joining with our great city and creating such wonderful experiences for our children and their parents. »
Nick - Liverpool, England -July 27, 2014
« Magnifique! Absolutely fabulous 3 days!
You really know how to help us party!!
Vive la grand mere, la petite fille et Xolo!!!
What a star!! Thank you so much!! »
Cath - Liverpool, England -July 27, 2014
« Thank you for the Giant spectacular again! It's an honour to see you perform in our city, see you in two years??? »
M - Liverpool, UK -July 27, 2014
« Merci à tous ceux qui ont travaillé si dur (les Lilliputiens!) pour rendre la ville de Liverpool si heureuse ce fin de semaine! Quel spectacle fantastique! J'adorais les géants la dernière fois qu'ils ont venus à ma ville en 2012, et cette fois en 2014 ils étaient excellents comme toujours! La grand-mère est si mignonne - la grand-mère de Liverpool! Elle m'a fait pleuré (!) Il y a beaucoup d'amour à Liverpool pour ces géants - j'espère que vous revenez à Liverpool bientot! Merci à tous (J'adore XOLO!) xxx »
Joanne - LIVERPOOL, England -July 27, 2014
« I was so moved by the performance in Liverpool, July 2014. "Grandma" actually made me cry. So Beautiful. SuzieB, St Helens »
Suzanne - St Helens, UK -July 27, 2014