The Bull Machin of Antwerp landed on a pile of tyres near the zoo.
De Reuzen

The company was invited by Patrick de Groote, artistic director of the Zomer van Antwerpen, and by the city of Antwerp to produce a new creation on the week-end of the 25th, 26th and 27th of August 2023 in Antwerp as part of the festival’s 2023 edition. The show features two giant characters: the Xolo and the Bull Machin - 760 000 spectators.

Originally from a working-class neighbourhood, where as a puppy he was discovered huddled under a cobbled pavement, he roamed the streets alone for a long time, sleeping under the city lights.

When he grew big and strong, he captured a lamppost and put it on his back like a miner's lamp.

Very different was his friend the Xolo: an Aztec dog (from Mexico) friend of the Little Girl Giant... He had skin instead of hair, to better warm people at night under the blankets.

Furthermore, at every funeral, he had the difficult task of accompanying the deceased into the afterlife. And to do this (because he was a god-dog) he would travel through time frozen in a block of ice.

In a way, it was another 'dog's life'. He was pure and racy, while the Bull was rough and smoked cigars.

But one day, they were both excited to be called up by the city of Antwerp and the Zomer for a great dog race.

Moreover, on the MAS railing, the City museum, it was decided to put up a 200 million years old dinosaur bone as a welcome gift for our two friends.

Elsewhere in Antwerp, in the Museum of Fine Arts, a dog has escaped from a painting, leaving a gap in the canvas.

This suspended image can be found in room 2.14, where the guides will be happy to explain that he went to watch his friends run for the duration of one performance.
© Jean-Luc COURCOULT, author-artistic director and founder of Royal de Luxe

« nantaise de coeur j'ai découvert royale de luxe en 1999 .ils ont la féérie, l'imaginaire, l'huile de bras des liliputiens, l'humour, la drôlerie, la conception des "volumes", la minutie du détail qui font que leurs géants sont "vivants" vous adorrrrrrrrrrr. ce spectacle -ci est à nouveau une magnifique réussite, de ce que l'équipe toute entière donne !!!!!!!! merci à vous tous et bravoooooooo . lili de bruxelles »
liliane jolé - bruxelles, Belgium -October 12, 2023